who we are

We are a community of believers who exist to intimately pursue the heart of God and intentionally provide a place of refuge where broken souls can be restored through a life-changing relationship with God and people.

At Eagle’s Wing, we believe an intimate relationship with God is the most important thing a person can pursue. Our desire is to provide worship, teaching, and missional opportunities that will enhance that encounter and deepen the expression of that relational experience. Whenever this occurs, there is an amazing expression of God’s grace that takes place and others are arrested and drawn to God through it. This experience is an invitation that cannot be ignored.

I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness.

             Jeremiah 31:3b (NASB)


1. We will actively seek an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

We believe Jesus died to restore our relationship with God. Therefore we will pursue Him with all of our heart. Intimacy with God does not make one spiritually elite—it births a new quality of life, both abundant and eternal. We were created for God’s pleasure, and in relationship we can experience His pleasure in us.

2. We will be a praying church rather than a church that prays.

True prayer begins in heaven and in the heart of God. A church that learns to listen to the heartbeat of God will understand the will of God. When we pray the will of God, we will always encounter the presence of God and walk in the power of God. Everything we do must be saturated in prayer.

3. We will find our identity in Christ, not activities for Christ. This discovery is a powerful tool for transformation.

Being is far more important than doing. Who we are in Christ is far more important that what we do for Christ. When we discover who Christ says we are and live out of that amazing identity, it transforms every other relationship or activity we engage in. We are the sons and the daughters of the King of Glory—heirs and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. Understanding our identity in Christ enables God to do the greater things He desires in and through us.

4. We will actively pursue the Spirit-filled life Jesus has promised us.

The life Jesus died to give us can only be lived through the power of the Holy Spirit. We believe that Jesus really meant for us to do the works He did and even and even greater ones (John 14:12) than He accomplished. For this to be a reality, we desire to be filled daily by the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit.

5. We will passionately pursue the presence of God through vibrant and enthusiastic worship.

We will pursue the presence of God regardless of the cost. He has promised to pitch His tent over us and dwell with us as we worship. Whenever the presence of God rests over us the power of God fills us. Individually and corporately we will sacrifice everything to give God the worship He deserves.

6. We will cultivate a culture of honor.

We will be intentional in cultivating a culture of honor where every person is valued as the exquisite treasure God created that person to be. We believe God honored us by creating us in His image and likeness. Jesus honored us by taking on our humanity and giving His life on the cross in payment for all our sins. Therefore, we believe every person is infinitely valuable and deserving of God’s grace and love as well as of ours.

7. We will be missional in everything we do.

We believe that for us to reach the world with the gospel we must begin wherever God has planted us. We have a vision for our communities and our world. That vision is to love people into the Kingdom of God by demonstrating the love of Christ as we live and serve among them. We will be a church moving beyond the walls of a building as we strategically serve people and minister to their needs.

8. We will actively develop fully-formed disciples of Christ through small group ministry.

We believe discipleship is essential for the continued growth of every individual in their faith. When believers become disciples they are changed into servants who are then transformed into leaders. Those leaders become missional and God uses missional-minded people to lead the lost to belief in Christ. Small groups are the vehicle we have chosen to use in our development of fully-formed disciples.

9. We will do what we do with excellence.

We cannot do everything, but everything we do will be done with excellence for the glory of God.

10. We are committed to revival in the church and awakening in America and around the globe.

We are not satisfied with doing church. Our passion is to be the church—the overcoming, powerful Spirit-filled body of Christ. Fully alive! Fully aligned! And fully acting as agents of the resurrected Lord. We hunger for and will actively pursue a move of God that will revive the church and awaken the lost to salvation in Jesus’ name.