A global missional vision

At Eagle's Wing, we don't just "do" mission projects, we are missional in everything we do. It is a part of our spiritual DNA. We have a core belief that to reach our world with the good news of Jesus Christ we must begin wherever God has planted us. We have a vision for our local communities and our world. That vision is to love people into the Kingdom of God by showing them the love of Christ as we live and serve among them.


We have an ongoing partnership with the Mexico Outreach Center in the city of Parras de la Fuente, Coahuila, Mexico, sending multiple teams each year to show and to share the love of Christ through community outreach, service ministries, church training conferences, and medical/dental clinics. 


We also partner with Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child by encouraging our members to participate as families by packing shoe box gifts, and corporately, by collecting items year around and hosting a church-wide Pack-A-Shoe-Box Sunday, and by sending teams to work in the Operation Christmas Child Atlanta Processing Center each December. 

We are actively seeking opportunities to serve in our local communities through practical, hands-on missional work.